Customer Cutie!

It had been a while since I received a picture of a customer cutie wearing one of my original designs. So you can imagine how I squealed with joy when I opened my email this morning to find these amazing pictures from my sweet customer, Stacey. Isn't her little one, Hannah, such a cutie? Hanna is wearing Petit Champignons, a design I created for the Joel Dewberry Indelible launch on eBay. Luckily, Stacey gave me permission to share with you guys.

This is by far the most rewarding part of what I do! :)

If any of you out there have pictures of your little ones wearing MODKID creations, I would love to feature them here on my blog and on my website. Just forward some pictures to my email address at


  1. hi there :) i really like your designs. i'm wondering how u started with this business. thanks for sharing any info. cheers!:)

  2. Hi CJ. Thank you so much for your comment and your question. My Journal Modiste interview from earlier this year goes over how I got started doing this. :0 If you'd like to read it, please click here:

    Thanks again!!


    PS... if that link doesn't work, there is a link to the article on my sidebar >>>

  3. I love that set, Patty! Well, I love all of your sets!

    Sophie is going to wear her sample set from you today so I will snap a picture and send it your way :)

  4. Oh, YAY! I can't wait to see. Thanks, hun! :)


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