Market Report - Part 1
Fall International Quilt Market 2008, Houston, TX

Hi everyone! I'm baaaaack! Last time I tackled Market Report in one fell swoop (a.k.a. one ginormous blog posting that left you and I both exhausted!) So this time I've decided to save my sanity and break this up into parts... not necessarily in chronological order, just so you know.

Quilt Market was everything I expected and more. We drove 16 hrs. there and 16 hrs. back (well, Jon drove. I mostly slept, twittered, googled and doodled). Those of you following me on Twitter got the full state-by-state report... even when I called Arkansas "AK" instead of "AR." I can't believe no one teased me about that one! I can take it, I really can! ;)

So, for those of you who are new to my blog, we went down to the International Quilt Market in Houston, TX to debut my first line of fabrics, titled Andalucia, for Michael Miller Fabrics. Below, are a few scattered pictures of my booth and the surrounding areas...

This first picture shows the view from the aisle directly in front of us. On the left you see part of my booth, on the right you see part of Paula Prass' booth. Directly behind Paula's booth you see a sliver of Sandi Henderson's booth and the remainder of this picture shows what Michael Miller's selling stations looked like.


Below is a picture of Kathy Miller (Michael Miller Fabrics) and me standing at my booth. Check out the awesome quilts made specifically to showcase Andalucia by some amazingly talented ladies. The one on the left is called Now & Forever and was designed by Abbey Lane Quilts. The one on the right is called Spring Up and was designed by Lizzy Anne Originals. You can also see the 2 chairs that I painstakingly upholstered just days before the show and a few other sewn samples...


Here is a full shot of Spring Up:


This picture shows a few Market goodies including a couple of purses by my talented mom (a.k.a. marielizcreations on etsy), some super sweet bibs by Bug-A-Boo-Baby (check out her blog for some detailed pics of these and of the baby blankies she made for the booth!), and a pillow and dress by yours truly. By the way, my mom will be offering her Market-Sample-Purses in her etsy store very soon, so keep checking for these!


A super cool pineapple pincushion by my talented friend, Eva Taylor. Check out her blog and leave her a comment to be entered to win a pineapple of your own! How generous is that?!?


Totally AWESOME Andalucia jacquard ribbons designed by me for J. Caroline Creative (these are only 8 of the 16 designs offered!) Wish you guys could see & touch these! They are super soft and the quality is unsurpassed. These ribbons totally stole the show, IMO! Caroline will have these in her shop soon, so keep checking!


And speaking of Caroline, here I am standing in her AWESOME booth, which, by the way, won a prize of Best New Exhibitor. Way to go, Caroline!!!


And last, but certainly not least, is this picture of me sitting in my booth chatting it up with one of the loveliest ladies I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, the vibrant and so inspirational Elinor Peace Bailey.


Now, I want to leave you with a few links to check out:

  • I did a designer interview with Gina Halladay of Quilter's Buzz. What a lovely lady! Go over there and read! (those of you who attended my schoolhouse session may notice some overlap... sorry!)

  • Boutique Café created history with the first ever live podcast from Quilt Market and I was honored to be their guinea pig, er, first interviewee! ;) You can catch a recording of the live feed right here... complete with testing, bloopers and a heck of a lot of giggling!

  • The Jolly Jabber, Fat Quarter Shop's awesome blog, is doing a day-by-day Market Report that is not to be missed. One of the best pictures of me has already surfaced in their "findings" and check out this one I spotted on their Flickr account of me & Jon. Awww! Please stay tuned for a full interview in a couple of weeks! I'll let you know when it's up!!!

OK, that's it for now! Thanks for being so patient through this super long post... I swear I thought it was gonna be much shorter! And to all of you lovely ladies who came over and saw me at Quilt Market, MWAH! Love ya!!!


  1. Wow Patty, your booth looks amazing! The colours are so rich and yummy - and the chairs are fab-u-luss! You have worked so hard for this, I hope you enjoyed every minute of it, it must feel surreal sometimes..... The ribbon is a perfect idea, you have thought of everything!!....the Pineapple is too cute, and your mum's bags look great (I bought one for my bff and wow! love her work!) So when can we get our hands on the wonderfulness that is Andalucia?? I am sure it is gonna get eaten up here in Oz!
    Hugs from Perth

  2. Love your fabric and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Your mom's purses are too die for!! I love the quilts too.


  3. It all looks stunning! I don't know what is my favorite - is it the Spring Up quilt I've been drooling over since earlier posts or your chairs (FAB!) or just the general feel of your whole line. I'm glad I found your blog (think I followed from Laura Gunn at Paint in my Hair) and the fact that you're a Midwest girl so close to home -- well, it just makes me so proud! YOU GO GIRL!

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Patty, it was wonderful to finally meet you and get to hang a bit at Market! I loved checking out all the goodies at your booth and can't wait to play with my own pile of Andalucia. (And now I need to start stalking your mom's Etsy!)

  5. patty--everything about your booth is impeccable. you totally rocked qm...i really, really wish i could've been there!

    my fave photo of you is that last one with elinor peace are so dang beautiful...

  6. The booth looks awesome!! Thanks for the glimse of quilt market.

  7. BEAUTIFUL!!! I found your blog awhile back and love it!! Your stuff is so alive and wild and classic and fun all at the same time. It is so refreshing to see moms creating for other moms! The ribbon will be such a cool touch to go with your fabrics and the quilts turned out beautifully as well. Enjoy! And give yourself a pat on the back! :)

  8. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Patty--Andalucia looks so fantastic. You did an amazing job on your booth and all of the sample products show case your fabric so beautifully. I'll bet everyone in Houston LOVED your debut. Thanks for linking up my pineapple ;) and I totally agree with Nic--you are so beautiful!

  9. Your booth looks amazing and the colors are so vibrant! It looks like you had an awesome time at market. :) I can't wait to get my hands on some fabric!

  10. Your pictures turned out beautiful! Yes, use my pic of the 3 of us MM peeps, no problem. I "borrowed" a couple myself. You are making a huge splash in blogland...well deserved, my friend.

  11. OOOOMMMMGGGGGGG!!! Ohhhh Patty your booth...gorgeous!!!!!!! I SO wish I could have come! I'm so friggin proud of you and just wanna cry cause of all the proudness :) LOVE YOU!!!

  12. Georgeous! That's what everyone says. I know you are tired, excited, psyched, and all of that good stuff that goes with seeing all of your hard work come together! Great Job!


  13. Absolutely beautiful...girl you are rockin the Quit Market!

  14. Anonymous11:07 PM

    WOW, Patty! Everything is pure eye candy! Congratulations on you debut... looks like you made quite a splash at Quilt Market. Wish I could have been there to see it in person. :)


  15. OH Patty I'm so thrilled for fantastic did your booth LOOK???? I can't wait to see those ribbons in real life...your designs on ribbon are beyond gorgeous...and Eva's pineapple...aww...fabulous!
    Congrats again rock:)

  16. So much info so quickly! You're awesome Patty. I love the pic of you in your booth. It looked absolutely perfect. I can only imagined how exhausted you are after all the prep, traveling & market. Hope you get some good R&R and thanks for sharing with us!

  17. Congratulations Patty! All of your hard work has paid off..and then some!
    Your booth is so professional and put together with such detail. It looks like you have been doing this your whole life. :)
    Love all of your samples. Eva's pineapple is divine!
    Great job!
    hugs my friend,

  18. Awww... you guys are all so sweet! Thanks a bunch, firends! So glad you liked everything! :)


  19. WOW WOW WOW Patty - everything looks perfect - just divine - the ribbons look amazing - and yes what nic said - you are just stunning - well done you!

  20. Patty!!! Everything looks FANTASTIC!!!!! I wish I could have seen it in person. You are beyond talented and I am so proud of you for all you've accomplished!

  21. Thanks so much, Cree & Amie! LOVE YA!!!

  22. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Hi Patty,
    Of all the booths I saw at market, yours was the one that stopped me in my tracks. Totally fabulous. Congratulations and keep it up!


  23. Anonymous4:29 PM

    OMG Patty!
    I'm a bit behind with blog reading, so I'm so pleasantly surprised to see a market report already!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am SO proud of you and cannot fathom how you put this wonderful collection and stand together. I'm truly awed by your stamina, talent and achievemnet! What a great accomplishment!

    I've poured over every picture, trying to see every little detail, all the bags, ribbon, furniture too (OMG!), Eva's lovely pineapple-all in all your stand looks amazing! You id a great job- bet you're floating on air:)

    You deserve lots of success.


  24. Hi Patty! It was great fun to meet you at Quilt Market. Everyone was going nuts over your ribbons over at the JCaroline booth!

  25. Looks fantastic Patty!!!!!

  26. So many links that I'm dieing to click on and have NO time right now. Hopefully this evening will be quieter. Your pictures are great and your booth is fanominal!

  27. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I love your fabric line but when I saw your ribbon I was thrilled! I was even more excited to see it is now available on J. Caroline's website. I have been searching for fun and exciting jacquard ribbon so this "find" is getting my creative ideas flowing.


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