Awesome Twosome!
My 2-Year Blogiversary Giveaway


It's been TWO AWESOME YEARS from the day, exactly 2 years ago, that I started sharing my life with the bloggy community. It felt strange at first -- talking about my family, my feelings, my personal experiences -- with what seemed like total strangers. But now it feels perfectly normal... and best of all, I've made some great friendships and met tons of new bloggy folks in the process!

So, today I am celebrating the number 2. Two years blogging. Two sweet daughters. Two great colorways in Andalucia each of which is comprised of two basic color families. And of course, TWO WINNERS!


Yes, that's right! I will pick TWO WINNERS among the comments left on this post. Each will win their choice of colorways from Andalucia, Earth or Fire. All you have to do is leave a comment below this post and tell me which is your favorite!

Here's a closer look at the Earth bundle. It has 5 fat quarters of different fabric designs, 3 1-yard cuts of coordinating jacquard ribbons and a few charm squares (with pinked edges and all!)


Here's a closer look at the Fire bundle. Again... it has 5 fat quarters of different fabric designs, 3 1-yard cuts of coordinating jacquard ribbons and a few charm squares.


An even CLOSER look at the Earth bundle...


And an even CLOSER look at the Fire bundle...


So, tell me which is your favorite and a week from today I will pick a winner from those who chose Earth and a winner from those who chose Fire. That's all I'm asking for this contest, but if you feel inclined to tell me more information -- like colors you'd like to see in future fabric collections, your favorite themes, shapes, imagery -- you'd make me a happy camper! :)

Thanks for sticking with me these past 2 years. Here's to 20 more!!! :)

Tonight I tweeted that if we could make it to 200 comments on here, I would add on a 3rd fabulous prize for a 3rd winner. And by golly you did it! (and then some!) Of course, this messes up that whole "2" thing I got going on, but no worries... I figured it out. My 3rd winner will win this set of TWO gorgeous camera accessories so graciously donated by ReneƩ and Taryn of Silly Jilly Boutique!

(3rd winner will receive a hand-made removable camera strap & lens cozy made with Mod Blooms Fire, from the Andalucia collection. Vintage camera & case not included)

Let's see if we can make it to 300 now! :)

Thank you all for your wonderful comments.
I will announce the winners tomorrow.**



  1. Oh already know I love the Earth colorway, so for this post I'm picking FIRE! I love them both! I believe I saw somewhere that you were coming out with AndaLucia in turquoise? I'm dying to see it as well as Mezzanine. All you do is just beautiful to me. Happy 2 year anniversary!


  2. Congrats to two great years of success--I wish you many more years of *continued* success!! Your Andalucia line (especially the Earth colorway--my fave) has many of us swooning still and we can't wait to see what you have in store for us--I'm sure it will knock our socks off! Way to go, girl!! You deserve the VERY best!

  3. Congrats on 2 years! I just recently found your blog and love it! As for this post.. I would have to go with the Earth colorway, both are gorgeous but I am more drawn to the Earth patterns. Again, happy anniversary.

  4. It's hard to choose because they are both smokin hot! ;) I'm going to go with earth...since my baby boy would look cute in bibs made from those fabrics!

  5. Congratulations on your 2 years, cheers for many more to come! .... I will pick the earth, the fire..... no,,,,,,earth....!!! Ok OK.....I love both.... I would say..... Fire!

  6. Anonymous1:50 PM

    The Fire Colorway is my favorite.

    I have the fabrics for Frida in hand. (Thanks to the shop links on your blog page!.)

    'Just waiting to pre-order the pattern now.

    Please, more florals for kids garments.

    And here's to many more years of success!


  7. Two years! Good for you. I love your fabric. My favorite is the FIRE. I actually made a skirt for my daughter out of it for Valentines day...take a look.

  8. What a hard choice, I'm saying Earth, since I just brought some Fire, really they are both great. Are you really going to put this line is turquoise? I would love that!!!

  9. Okay I told myself that I won't comment on give-aways anymore since I never win.
    But I just couldn't resist on this one! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your fabrics and my daughter wants me to pick the FIRE. She loves it and wants me to make her all kinds of things from it should I win!

  10. ohhh,,, love give aways!!! love you blog tooooo!!! my favorite is the fire. love pinks and red together. my wedding was those colors. pick meeeee!!!
    ally serrato
    {san diego}

  11. I love them both, but let's go with Earth.

  12. I love reading your blog and am so inspired by your creativity. I would pick the fire, because its a little more girly, and I'm surrounded by boys at my house. This one would be for me! Can't wait for Mezzanine.

  13. Oh my favorite is the Fire Colors. I love your ribbons. They have been great for making hair bows.

  14. I am immediately drawn to the Fire. Gotta love those intense colors. But if I had to pick just one I would pick Earth. I am trying to branch out beyond my comfort zone lately. I absolutley love your style. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Not fair! Not fair! I can't chose between these yummy fabrics. Okay, I chose EARTH because I love chocolate... but love them both!

  16. Wow! I love the Earth colourway... I'm partial to brown :)
    Congrats on 2 years!

  17. I'm in love with the Fire bundle, but I'm going to choose the Earth :)

    I enjoy reading your blog.

    Good luck to everyone!

  18. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Congratulations on your two years! I love your designs - particularly the Earth colors! Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!! :-)

  19. Oh such a hard decision, I would have to pick Fire because I think that I currently have more designs from the Earth colorway. Regarding future lines, I love the multi-colored patterns you incorporated in this line but I would also add that I love the "solids" i.e. Jester, Moorish Tile in Red, Pod Ditz in espresso etc. I hope that you incorporate those types of two tone solids in future lines.

  20. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Thank you for providing entertainment through such a great blog. I love the Earth colorway!

  21. Mmmm, I love me some FIRE!!!

    Congratulations to two years of blogging!!!

    I am always on my toes to see what you come up with next!!

  22. MMMM...WOW that is TOUGH! I am immediately drawn to the fire bundle....mmm yummy!!

  23. of course, they are both super cute but i'm going to go w/ fire because i love reds/pinks. congrats on 2 years blogging, i'm hooked!!!!!

  24. Why choose between them? I love them both. Sigh. I guess I'm feeling spunky today, so FIRE!
    Congrats on your two's to many more!

  25. Congratulations on 2 years. My favorite is the fire group. I just purchased a purse from ebay in your fabric. My daughter claimed it the minute we opened the box.

  26. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Patty -

    Good afternoon. I love FIRE, I made a baby quilt for a friend with it and it is beautiful.

  27. It is a difficult decision, but I think I like the "earth" bundle the best. Andalucia is my absolute favorite design by the way.

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Fire. I love it! I love them both, but fire is great! Great job on the two years. I love your photography!

  29. Hi Patty, I love the fire colorway. I just love the colours. They are so bright and cheerful. Congratulations on your 2 years. Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. Thank you all for your great comments!!

    I just wanted to pop in here and dispel the rumor about the aqua/turq. colorway of Andalucia. As much as I'd love to, nope it's not getting made in fabric, but we are definitely making some ribbons in that colorway. They are already in production and should be ready for purchase in about 3-4 weeks. :)

    I guess it couldn't hurt for you guys to request an Aqua/turq. colorway of Andalucia! The artwork is already done! LOL! Just send an email to Michael Miller Fabrics telling them what you'd like to see. :)


  31. I so admire you color palletes! I love to craft and sew and find your designs and fabrics make me happy and cheerful! Keep up the great work and congradulations on your 2 yrs. anniversary!
    blessings, angie

  32. I am waiting my first order of your beautiful line and I've ordered a few pieces of the Earth colorway so I would have to say Fire if I was lucky enough to win!

  33. Hmm, I really like the bright pop of color in Fire!

  34. I remember the feeling you describe, but I'm so glad that started blogging. An inspirering and very kind world opened before me :0) Congratulations on your 2 blog years....

    I would love to take part in your generous contest.
    I have already bought lots from the beautiful fire collection, so the earth collection is the one I hope for :0))

  35. I'm a fire girl.

    Congrats on your 2 yr. blogging anniversary.

  36. I love the fire colorway, although they are both wonderful. I tend to go towards more pinks because of my daughter. Congratulations on your success.

  37. I've loved your blog since I found it. Your clothes are great and I love your fabric. I especially love the fire colorway.

  38. I'm so glad I found your blog - I love your Andalucia line ! It's a hard choice but I think I'll go with the fire bundle. Fingers crossed xx

  39. i'm a fan of both! but if i had to pick just one i'd say the earth colorway!

  40. Congratulations on two years! I love the fire colorway. Thanks!

  41. I like the Earth colorway, it is more what i would normally do, but the fire colorway is also gorgeous!!!! So if i was lucky to win, i would be happy with either, congrats on your 2 year anniversary in the blog world!!!!

  42. If for some odd reason you were to pick me I would love the FIRE bundle. I love the Earth one too but I used allot of the fire in my quilt and need to restock:) I'm incredibly excited to see your next line, can you post some teasers???? pretty please:) Sorry the curiosity is killing the cat.

  43. Happy Blogiversary, Patty. I'm so thrilled to have found you in bloggy world. Thanks for sharing! The practical side of me says earth, but the fun side says fire. I love 'em both and think they're super cool. I'm going with FIRE, who gives a rip about practicality (we can eat peanut butter and jelly for all 3 meals, right?) Future colors -- I'm gushing over green and blue right now, and still seeing lots of lavender and brown out there. Your patterns would look great in both!

  44. oh... poop. who can choose? it's like picking your favorite- peanut butter or jelly. i choose... earth. or. fire. i don't care. you pick for me. i LOVE this fabric, and I love the ribbon. you're adorable. thanks for sharing.

  45. Congratulations on the anniversary! I'm so glad The Fabric Shopper linked to your giveaway - I love your blog! As for my favorite Analucia, I've got to go with Earth. So pretty!

  46. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I love reading your blog and your fabrics are to die for! I am always dreaming up new ideas to use them!

    BTW- I love FIRE...sighhhhhh

    happy 2 year Anniversary!!! :)

  47. Fiiiiyah!!!Fire is my favorite. Happy blogiversary I've enjoyed myself over here!


  48. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Congratulations! It's way too hard to pick, but I guess I would choose Earth...they're both so pretty! I love turquious with red and anything with brown, so I think those would be great for future designs.

  49. Congrats on 2 years - that's quite a milestone! I like both, but I'm more drawn to the earth colorway. Thanks so much for your generosity!

  50. Congrats on 2 years!! I love both groups, but I think I like Fire slightly more :)

  51. I LOVE them both but I think I'd pick FIRE - because they would turn into such beautiful clothing for my pink-loving girls. Thanks for the chance and the inspiration you give with all your posts!

  52. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I love them both, but think Fire is more my type. Love your blog and can't wait to buy your new patterns to sew for my grandgirls this summer.

  53. Happy Anniversary! I would love the Earth colourway. Your designs are so rich and beautiful, congrats on designing such beautiful fabric!

  54. Happy 2 year Anniversary! You are such an inspiration to us all. I Love them both but if I have to choose...i'll go with Earth.

  55. Congrats! I love your blog and love. love, love your fabrics. The Earth colorway is my favorite.

  56. Congratulations on your anniversary. All your fabrics are so beautiful! But, if I had to choose I think I would go with the earth.

  57. I love how you are celebrating everything two!! I wish you many more years of success!

    If you are going to twist my arm, i think i would have to go with the fire colorway.

    I would love to see in the future purple and blues in your colorways. I love the contrast of the 'rounded-ness' of the flowers and shapes in your current line, with the sharpness of the diamonds as a background. I hope to see more of that in your next line.

  58. I Love the Fire Fabric

  59. Congrats on your 2 years! I love your collection - both colorways are beautiful! But I guess if I had to choose, I would pick earth - I love the richest of the colours! Thanks for the chance!

  60. Woot woot!!! Congratulations on the BIG 2!!! I can't even begin to tell you how much I love the Andalucia line -- I would have to say Fire is my fav... due to the mix of pink!!! Thank you for being such an inspiration to all of the sewers out here!!!

  61. Happy 2 years. I love your stuff but I will say that I am going to pick fire. I love red lately and it is the month of LOVE. :) My daughter also looks cute in red to boot.

    I have to agree with the first comment on the turquoise. I think that would be awesome. I would love to see something in that colorway. I have to say though... anything you make will be splendid.

    Thanks for the giveaway... very kind of you.

  62. congrats on 2 years. I love both colorways but I will pick fire.

  63. They are both fabulous, but I am going to vote for
    For the future, perhaps some blues and greens.

  64. I've been pondering it for a while & I think FIRE is my favorite.. I love them both but those bright bright colors really grab me! Happy blog-iversary!

  65. I love the Fire one, it's soooo little girl :) I would love to see shades of blue in the next one, mixt with brown :)


  66. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I love 'em both, but it's gotta be EARTH all the way baby!

  67. Congrats on two years! I love the fire bundle!

  68. Happy 2 years and many more!! I love the Earth colorway.

  69. Ooooo, earth for sure! And those ribbons are my favorite part!!

  70. I really like the earth! All of your fabrics are beautiful! Wishing for 2 and many more years of your blog. Thanks Kris.

  71. Anonymous6:18 PM

    hi patty! as i'm sure everyone is saying, i love them both. if i must choose, for today i choose fire. i love your work, mama!

  72. Fire. heh heh heh. Fire's cool. (a la Beavis & Butthead. Good times back in the 90's)

    Happy 2 year blogiversary!

  73. Congratulations on 2 years!

    I'm glad you didn't ask what I'd do with it, because I have no idea. But I do know that I want, no, NEED that Earth bundle. Those are my colors. My favorite print from Andalucia is Mod Dots. I'm a sucker for dots and circle prints of any kind. Pick me, pick me!

  74. This is so hard to choose! I think I've decided on ... fire. Thanks for the chance to win!

  75. Fire lights my fire!

  76. Love your stuff! I love the Earth colorway. Also, I love that you designed ribbon! Hopefully you have started a trend with that one.

  77. Congratulations!
    I love both but would choose the Fire- I can't wait for your patterns!
    Kim :)

  78. Happy 2bd Blogiversary! I love the Earth colourway. The first comment mentions AndaLucia in turquoises, which I'd love to see, too, One thing I love in a range of fabrics is a symmetrical print - rather like the birdie damask.

  79. Anonymous6:53 PM

    congrats on 2 years, its been great keeping up with your success. I love the earth colourway the best. Hope to keep enjoying you going from strentgh to strenth.

  80. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Congatulations on 2 years! I enjoy seeing your creations and watching you progress! You know, I'm drawn to the fire colourway, but I wonder if that's because I have 3 daughters. If I analyze it though, I think I like the earth. Do I even make sense to myself? :-)

  81. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Yay, happy two-year blogiversary! I love both sets, but since I must pick one, then it has to be the "fire" set. Beautiful patterns and colours!

  82. Yeah for two years, and here is to many more! I say the earth colorway is my favorite, but that was a hard choice! Colors for the future? Any shades of green and orange!

  83. Oh tough decision, but I *think* I'm gonna say Earth! Just cause I look better in brown than bright red and I'm thinking some sort of skirt! But they're both beautiful!

  84. Congrat. on 2 years. I love your line!! I'm thinking of doing my DDs room in it! I'm picking Earth. Can't wait for your patterns to come out. Thanks and Happy Anniversary!

  85. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Well- i had it in my mind to request an aqua/turquoise colorway- but after reading down the comments- I guess it's time for an email to MM!
    Your collections are both beautiful in their own right- but fire is singing to me today!
    Congratualtions on this milestone, and here's to many more!

  86. Happy 2 years! You've done a lot since I started reading over a year ago. You are an inspiration. I really love the fire, but I'm totally drawn the the Earth count me in for Earth!

  87. How great! Congrats on two years in blogland. And thanks for sharing all your talent with the rest of us! My fave is the earth colorway.

  88. Congratulations! I love them both but I'm going to have to pick Fire. I can never resist the reds.

  89. Congrats! I think the Earth colorway is fantastic!

  90. I think the earth collection is delich. Thanks for such a great giveaway
    I am having one right now to if you would like to stop by sew-fantastic

  91. Congrat's on 2 years! I love them both but my vote today is for the earth group.

  92. Both are amazing, but the earth is my personal fav!!

  93. I stumbled across your blog less than a month ago and am addicted. I love the fun colors you have in your Adalucia fabric line. My favorite is the fire. I can see myself making many things with that. Happy Anniversary.

  94. Only 20 more? heehee Congrats on 2 years, it's quite a commitment. And you are too kind to offer this giveaway! Oh you have made it tough for sure. Lately I'm leaning towards browns, or as I call it "chocolates". I think it's a pregnant thing (7 month). The fire is amazing too! With Valentine's just passing the red is great eye candy! But if I had to pick one, I'll say Earth.

    Jackie Sue Davis
    jackie AT jackiesue DOT com

  95. I'm a fire girl. LOVE the bright, vibrant colors. I'm chomping at the bit for Mezzanine.

    I love looking at your blog because you always include fun, attention-grabbing photos. You really have the gift of composition in your photos.

    You are a lovely person inside and out, and you deserve the success you've had.

    Hugs to you, sister-friend!

  96. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Congrats on your 2 years-I only found your blog a few months ago, but I went back and read it from the beginning! I truly love the Fire but since I already have purchased a bunch of it, I'd chose Earth even if I just sit & drool over it! Keep up the wonderful work-can't wait for your patterns!

  97. Anonymous8:22 PM

    My vote is for Earth even though I love them both. I would love to see you do something similar in browns, tans, and aqua blues (hint, hint!) in the future.

  98. Happy Blogiversary!
    Kelly and I are Earthy people, so the earth colorway is our favorite.

  99. I have to say that I love your blog. I haven't ever commented but I love the fabric and ideas. I have 3 boys but I love to make things for myself and my nieces. I love the earth material!!!!!

  100. Happy anniversary! I absolutely love the Earth colorway.

  101. I love the fire bundle. What a great line of fabric. Congratulations on 2 years!

  102. So hard to pick I love them both but I would say fire! Meg

  103. Oh, I love them both, but I'm such an Earth-girl at heart... I drool over those colors!!!

  104. OOoh this is a hard choice but I think I will choose EARTH.

    Thanks for sharing!

  105. I love both of course but for spring and summer I like the fire better. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  106. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Please don't stop doing what you're doing! I love your blog!

  107. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Oh my!! I can not choose, I love them both. I would have to say fire wins just by a thread!! LOL

    Keep up the beautiful work, and I love your blog!!

  108. I like both, but since I can only choose one...I'll say Fire.
    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  109. Congratulations on 2 years! My favorite is the Fire colorway. I'd love to see the reds and pink coupled with a splash of turquoise. You've inspired me...

  110. OOHHH....this is tough. I think I will go with earth because of the lovely green...

  111. I WOULD LOVE TO BE ENTERED TO WIN!! MY goodness, these are GORGEOUS! I love both, but I really love the fire!! It would be perfect for a couple things I have coming up!

    HAPPY 2 YEARS!!!

  112. The fire is way hot!!

  113. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I love the fire bundle. Beautiful colors!

  114. Patty, I love the earth colorway you have, It is hard to recommend any color to such amazing designer. I love the designs and I want to make some clothes for my two little daughters. Maybe yellows and blues.
    Happy 2nd Aniversary

  115. Congrats on your two year blog-a-versary! Great giveaway! If I had to choose...and it would be a very hard choice...I'd choose earth! (smile!~!) Both are gorgeous!

  116. Love your blog! Earth is my favorite.

  117. Congratulations on being a sassy two year old! lol

    I choose Earth, and I would love to see your fabrics in turquoise. It's my favorite color.

  118. Happy 2nd Anniversary! I love both Fire and Earth, I've been eying them for a while but can't decide on what I want to do with it. I have to say I like the Fire line a tad bit more, it would be nice to see a nice blue Andalucia line. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  119. Both are great but I am being tugged slightly closer to the fire colorway. Congrats on the two years!

  120. Happy 2nd Anniversary! I love the FIRE!

  121. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I love your fabrics!! I think the Earth color way is my fav! Happy 2 year anniversary!

    Karie P.

  122. Happy 2 year anniversary! I love them both but I will pick fire today! Thanks for the chance to win!

  123. I love the earth color way. I would love to see a 'water' color line of blues/greens and lime. Thanks!

  124. Congrats! What a fantastic giveaway! I am in love with the earth colorway.

  125. Since I can only choose one favorite it would be Fire. Although, if this was August and I was looking forward to fall, I would probably choose Earth. I think the variety of patterns are wonderful and I love the size and scale of all the patterns also. I definitely would love to see some turquoise/sea glass/peacock blues introduced!!!

  126. I'm lovin' both, but would have to pick FIRE because I could use those colors for my next quilting project!

  127. I'm not sure I can choose...but I think I'm picking Earth.

  128. Happy Blogaversary!!! I have been doing some FUN playing with the gorgeous Fire colorway and would LOVE to play with some Earth! So I'm picking Earth!!

  129. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Fire sets my heart to blazin'! I leave the designing to you: you certainly got it right the first time with harlequins, dots and those wonderful flowers!!

  130. Happy Blogiversary!!
    I have loved the FIRE colorway since my first glimpse of it in a sneak peek. OH MY how I love the pinks and reds!
    My favorite color is RED so really, as long as you keep including that in your designs I will be happy. :D

  131. Oh, I think I am most smitten for the earth colorway! Thanks for the giveaway! Love your fabric!

  132. oh Patty your line seriously beautiful. It has really been a long time since I have truly adored a line, it's so rich and beautiful and different! I love them both but if I had to pick a favorite today it would be Earth! Tomorrow may be a different story though. lol.

  133. What beautiful fabric! It is difficult to pick a favorite, but I am going to go with Earth. Congrats on 2 years!!

  134. I love both colorways and I love you sweet friend! Congratulations on year 2! I know there are many many more to come. Thanks for inspiring so may people. Dying to see you soon.

  135. Anonymous1:52 AM

    I LOVE the Earth set! It's so beautiful! The colours are so fresh and vibrant! They're gorgeous!

    My email is on my blog. Click my name.

  136. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Hi Patty, love your fabric, especially the fire colorway!!
    Congrats on your 2 years!!
    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  137. Did you know that I had a fire in my microwave? Yes, that's right, I caught a mini bag of popcorn on fire cause there was a paper towel in the bottom of my micro. Like FULL ON flamage, entire bag engulfed. It was pretty freaky. Like WHO manages to catch popcorn on fire? Me that's who. Frig. So I pick FIRE haha. I must win for my awesome story....

  138. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Congratulations to two very successful years of blogging! =)
    I am a very earthy kind of person so my choice would be the earth pack. I love the colour combination!

  139. ohhh,love give aways!
    love you blog to.

    I really like the bright pop of color in Fire!

    i blogget her

    greetings Karin

  140. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Happy blogversary!!! That's hard to pick one, but if I have to I'd go with Earth. and I would love to see a combination of brown and turquoise or mustard yellow and plum in the future :)

  141. Though both are fabulous, I am going to stick with Earth! I hope I win. Happy 2-Year Anniversary!

  142. Two years!
    Good for you.

    I just love your fabric. My favorite is the FIRE, are beautiful!

    Congratulations, by two years of blog, by two young ... And more birthdays come!


  143. Congratulations on the 2 year anniversary! I just love reading your blod, and i get so excited every time I see a new post!

    My favorite Andalucia colorway would be Earth, and I also would love to see it in the blues or turquoise family.

  144. Congrats on the 2 years. I have loved reading your blog and getting to know you. You are an amazing and talented woman. Can't wait to see what the next 2 years bring. I LOVE your fabrics. I am loving the FIRE one right now.

    Great giveaway!!

  145. Happy 2 year anniversary!Your fabrics are just fantastic!

    And it's Fire for me.

  146. Anonymous5:15 AM

    My fave is fire!!!!! Congrats on 2 years!

  147. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Congrats! I love the fire!

  148. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Happy Blogiversary! I love the vibrant colors in fire!

  149. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Congratulations on your blogiversary! Such a tough choice, to choose between them both. But if I have to pick just one.... I'd say EARTH-- it is truly stunning!

  150. Hi Patty, LOVE them both, but have to chose EARTH. I am really drawn to the greens and browns, but when sewing for my daughter can't get enough of reds and pinks, and this one has it all! I seem to remember you saying that you originally had a blue colorway with andalucia. I would love to see that!

  151. Earth - it is for me.
    Happy anniversary.

  152. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Love the Fire colorway and your blog. Can't wait to see the "potty girls" in stores ;-)

  153. Those are so pretty! Happy two year blogversary.
    I love the Fire colorway, both are great but when forced to choose, Fire it is.

  154. I just love the fabric...very beautiful. I am a very new blogger and look forward to celebrating a milestone. :-)
    Happy 2 Year Anniversary

  155. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I am in love with the fire collection!!! Those are soo beautiful! I would love to see turquoise, it would be beautiful with my girlies eyes!! Thanks for this opportunity!!

  156. Happy two year anniversary! LOVE the fire bundle. Also, love your blog. I check frequently for updates.

  157. Congrats on two years! Although both are simply gorgeous, I am loving the reds of the fire colorway. I am an Aries - go figure!

  158. I love the fire color collection... perfect for little girls

  159. ok, so i just scrolled through your ten bazillion comments to find em's and bahahahaha...she totally needs to win fire. in which case, i pick earth, 'cause i'm strategic like that.

    rock on with your bad bloggin' self, patty! love ya!

  160. They are both beautiful, but today I feel like earth. Maybe tomorrow fire would win out! Congratulations on two years!

  161. oooh, how do I choose between these two great colorways? I think that fire is my favorite, by a hair -- it's a gray and gloomy day here and I need some brightness in my life! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  162. I loved the Fire the minute I saw it at Market, I knew it would be a success! Thanks for the give away and congrats on your 2 years! You are very kind!

  163. Oh, I love the fire. Love your blog, congrats on 2 years!

  164. Hmmm....I think fire is my favorite, but they're both lovely!

    I'd love to see some turquoise/aqua and maybe lime green colors. Oooo...or orange!

  165. I love both colorways. But if forced to choose, today I pick 'earth'. Thanks for the giveaway!

  166. I love them both! I rock/paper/scissored with my daughter to choose and Earth won.
    Congrats on 2 years.

  167. That's a really hard decision, but I love the Earth bundle. I could see those colors for my guest pretty! Congrats on 2 seems as if a lot has happened for you in such a short time.

    In my humble opinion, I love the look of your's definitely mod, funky and bold, which sets you apart from other textile designers...have you thought about home decor weight fabrics?

  168. Thanks for the movie info Patty! I hope to take my daughter next weekend to see Coraline. I love Fire!!!!

  169. Congratulations on two years! It is so hard to decide, but I think I will pick fire.

  170. It has been a wonderful two years to view all of your amazing fabrics and patterns. I cannot wait for more years to come. I just ordered 27 yards of your andalucia Earth and Fire fabrics from a fabric dealer to make a quilt and pillows for my little sisters 13th birthday. I cannot wait to see the outcome and to see the look on her face! She is going to love it! I personally love the "FIRE" line. It is bold in color and so much fun! Keep up the good work on all of your beautiful stuff!

  171. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Patty! They are both so wonderful! How is a girl to choose :) I do love the Fire bundle!! So vibrant and unusual color combinations. You rock!

    And congratulations on turns 2!!

  172. Happy Anniversary! I love the fire! My daughter loves oranges of all shades and so I am drawn to the fire. I'd love to see a line of yours in blues, my favorite! Love the fabrics and can't wait for the patterns!

  173. I love your blog. I am so sad that I can´t buy your andalucia fabric in germany. I love the Fire bundle because I have a little girl an would love to sew a dress for her.
    I hope that we will get your stuff in germany soon.

  174. I love the earth collection!

  175. Great fabrics! Love the Fire fabrics best, though. I'm drawn to those bright colors--keep it up!

  176. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Congratulations on 2 years! I love the fire colorway! Red is my DD's favorite color. :)

  177. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Congrats on 2 fabulous years!

  178. It´s so hard to choose, mmhhh, I love FIRE.... ;))

    Greatings from Germany from

  179. What a great way to celebrate a great blog and a great line of fabrics! If I had to choose, which I do, I'll choose Fire, in honor of my firey daughters!

  180. I say Earth, I like the fire too but earth is the winner for me. Congrats on your 2 years.

  181. Patty This is a very fun collection of fabrics. I have used alot of the earth, which I adore, so I would love to win the Fire collection and try those out.

    I look forward to seeing what is coming next.

  182. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I just came upon your site what an awsome time . Sure either would be nice. I think earth would be me. congrats on 2 years. carol

  183. I love them both but I think I would go for fire.

    Congrats on 2 years of blogging!

  184. wow, those fabrics are amazing and fabulous! i would be happy with either, although i may lean more toward fire. love it or earth...oh either one, i'd just love to have some! myhedwig@gmail

  185. I like the whole Andalucia line, but my favorite is the Earth colorway. As for future lines, I can't imagine anything better than Adalucia (but, of course, I'm sure you'll come up with something). It really is my absolute favorite line out right now.

  186. happy bloggiversary! i'm new to your blog (via the fabric shopper blog), how did i miss your blog until now?
    wow, these bundles are both great, but i think i'll get more use out of the Earth bundle (i'm craving a new purse).
    so nice to meet you!

  187. I love the Fire colorway. I am redoing my daughters room and have already purchased some of your fabric to do so. How fun these fabrics are to work with!

  188. I like them both of course, but I LOVE the fire! I'd love to see a collection with Red/Turquoise combination, or Orange/Green. I really like the fact that you have so many designs in a range, it makes it very interesting to work with. Thank goodness for the Internet, it means no matter where in the world we live, we can find your amazing fabrics!

  189. I can't wait for your next line of fabric and especially your patterns! I love both of the colorways. I think I'd like Earth for some items for my kitchen.



  190. They both are gorgeous, but I would have to pick fire, no earth, no fire.
    I would pick fire!

  191. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Hello Patty! I LOVE both colorways! But if I have to choose, I would pick the FIRE since that's Ava's favorite color - PINK!! So if I win, maybe I can make a little something for her!! Happy 2 Years!! -Lisa :)

  192. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I pick the Fire colorway, but of course the Earth colorway is wonderful too. Congrats on two years, may there be many more.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  193. Andalucia arrived TODAY at my local quilt shop! YIPPEE!! I LOVE fire!

  194. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Patty, CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Blog anniversary!!!

  195. those are absolutely beautiful fabrics. congrats on 2 years!

  196. I love the Fire Bundle, although I had a hard time choosing!


  197. Oh! I forgot to say... Happy Anniversary!


  198. I cant wait to see the new line!


  199. I really love them both, but if I have to choose a favorite I will go with earth. I LOVE these fabrics. Congrats on two years!
    millkara [at]

  200. Ohh I think I like Earth the best. I have been dying to see your fabric in person.


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