I'm having one of my classic cases of insomnia. Maybe it's because I've been on bed rest all day after a procedure I had done early this morning, and now my body is rebelling and wants to be up!
I had a D&C and a hysteroscopy (not to be confused with a hysterectomy) done early this morning. And before the questions start pouring in, nope, I am not pregnant or having a miscarriage, thankfully. In an effort to spare you the gory details, I'll just say that I had some unusual symptoms earlier this week that prompted me to see my doctor right away. She performed an ultrasound in her office and then scheduled the D&C to take a closer look.
Today was a tad insane. Since we don't have any family in town we had to trek to the hospital with Sophie & Sydney in tow before the crack of dawn. I came prepared and brought them some new coloring books & toys along with their favorite snacks, but that just wasn't enough to motivate them to get up & going at 5 a.m. I had to check in at 6:00 a.m. so there was not a lot of time to lollygag this morning. My personal goal was to leave the house without yelling so I put Jon in charge of morning activities.
By 7:20 I was prepped, wearing a lovely gown, I.V. in right arm and ready for surgery. I remember telling my anesthesiologist that I wanted paper & pen right before dozing off to see if I could sketch something wicked in my half hallucinatory state. Despite the fact that he found it an unusual request and quite humorous, he insisted that it would be futile because I would be out within seconds. I was skeptical at first, but OMG was he right! He said "you'll feel a slight tingling in your arm" I did. Then I turned to him and said "Are you ssssurrrrre I ccccan't..."
Next thing I remember I was in the recovery room with a totally different nurse and asking her some questions while she snickered at me. I asked what was so funny and she said I've been making some very unusual requests. I said "Oh, you mean, the pen & paper?" to which she responded, "Nope. I didn't even know about that one. But you did ask us repeatedly what your blood type was and if we could remove your kidney and send it to New York."
It all made sense to me, even though it seemed to highly perplex my recovery nurse. Last night, before going to bed, I watched my friend, Lisa (a.k.a. The Domestic Diva) on Donny Deutsch's THE BIG IDEA. Even though I knew about her sweet teenage daughter, Marielle, desperately needing a kidney donor, the whole story struck me deeper after seeing both Lisa and Marielle on my TV screen and seeing the fervor in their eyes and the determination in Donny Deutsch's voice to finally find a donor for Marielle.
It's interesting to me that that is what was on the back my mind as I was going into surgery myself.
But, to make a longer story a tad shorter. They did not find any tumors but did take a scraping of my uterine lining (sorry if that was too much detail for some of you!) to run some tests at the lab. It sounds promising. I see my doctor in 2 weeks to chat about test results and going forward. I am staying hopeful and positive, since there's really nothing else I can do at this point... LOL!
By the way, I do want to mention that I debated for a long, long time, whether to bring this up on my blog. I almost didn't cause it's so personal, but since I can't sleep and a few of you know about this already, I figured... let's keep it real, right?
So, that's what's going on with me this week. In addition to that, I have a few other pressing things I need to do in the following days/weeks:
- Plan & execute Sydney's 4th B-Day party (next weekend!)
- Get house cleaned & ready for out-of-town visitors for Sydney's b-day (again, next weekend!)
- Receive sample Andalucia yardage, cut & redistribute it to the nice ladies who have so graciously offered to help me sew samples for Market.
- Upholster 2 chairs, cover 2 lamps and sew pillows & dresses for my booth at Market.
- Design and print a brochure that promotes Andalucia.
- Finish and submit my next line of fabric designs to Michael Miller Fabrics. (it's actually done, but I just need to put some finishing touches on it, give it a smashing name and print it all out.)
Speaking of upholstering chairs (and since I hate to write a blog posting without pretty visuals to accompany it), I will leave you with these ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS chairs that I found online at Squint, via one of my most favorite design blogs, 2Modern.

Market is less than 6 weeks away (OMG, writing that made it even more real! eeek!) and even if I started NOW, which I can't cause I have no fabric, I don't think I could ever accomplish something this striking and beautiful. Man, I'd give my right arm for a chaise like that one at the top!
or maybe my right kidney?!
"But you did ask us repeatedly what your blood type was and if we could remove your kidney and send it to New York."
ReplyDeleteOMG...that is hilarious, Patty!
On a serious note...I hope all goes well...you will be in my thoughts and prayers...((BIG,BIG HUGS))
Love that chaise...even nicer with Andalucia!
ReplyDeleteYou just made me cry. To think I have friends in this community who care so much is humbling.
Thank you my friend.
I hope you are feeling better. If I could whip together that chaise lounge for you, I would in a heartbeat.
With friendship,
Wow...what a week you've had! I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope all is well with the testing. :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you manage to get everything on that list done! And I'm glad that your procedure (Hate that word!) went well and I hope and pray that everything else will be OK, too.
ReplyDeleteYou're amazing! Your strength, sense of humor, honesty, talent... all of it. I hope you are feeling better. I know you'll bounce back in no time.
Oh, and I totally think you can make a chair like that. I've seen you make amazing things! Get to it!
I don't know what your symptoms were but girl, don't worry - you'll be fine. I had some - ahem - symptoms in between having Alex and Anna and had pretty much the same (camera, scrape, utter humiliation of nearly breaking a nurses hand - here in the UK we don't get anesthesia!) They scared me silly but in the end said they couldn't find anything and it was probably just one of those things.
ReplyDeleteHope the party planning goes well - Anna is four on the 3rd and I've got to get ready for that too, I've still not sorted a cake, never mind what present she actually wants. I am such a bad mother!
You brought tears to my eyes. What a truly generous and caring person you are to be wanting to send your kidney to Marielle.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could help you prepare for market in some way. But just know that all of us in the boutique community are cheering you on and that we are so PROUD of you! We are waiting very impatiently for Andalucia to come out!
Oh Pattty...take it easy girl and try to REST! What an ordeal!
ReplyDeleteYou could SO MAKE that couch...or even the ottoman? What about getting a cool chair with a wooden frame and just upholstering the seat and back to save on time? Then you could patchwork it and paint the wood a bright fun color?!??!
Anxiously awaiting your big debut!!
take a bow Jenn
Funny and sweet about you trying to get them to pack up your kidney and ship it to Marielle.
ReplyDeleteHope you are still not feeling any soreness and get some answers soon.
Also? I'm totally digging those patchwork pieces and trying to figure out if my husband would go for something similar. Probably not but i may have to try anyway.
Oh my gawd Patty! Get better girl and you are definately in my prayers! Thanks so much for sharing, it was an interesting read and I found it quite Hilarious that you requested your kidney be sent to NY, you are so thoughtful and sweet.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine the funny requests that surgical nurses and staff get on a daily basis!
The Chaise lounges are awesome, how unique!
Anywhooo get better and try to rest.
Thanks for all the sweet comments and well wishes, everyone. Yes, I am feeling better. I've gotten lots of rest lately and taking it easy around the house. I'm milking this for as long as I can... LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh, and Lisa... I so totally wish I could do something for your sweet girl. Her story just breaks my heart. I know it's been heavy on my mind since I saw you two on TV and that's probably why it came out of my subconscious when I was all drugged up! LOL!
ReplyDeleteSending you all my very best wishes for a positive outcome and a speedy recovery. :)
ReplyDeleteThe kidney thing? Hysterical!
Hope your recovery is fast!! Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteOh wow, your list made me tired. You take it easy and let your body recover. XOXOX!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat chairs, how fun would a room with that be?! I can't wait to see the next line you have designed!!!
awww Patty! I had no idea about your procedure! You and Paula! What are we to do!?!? OyYY! (Actually, I've been on the same somewhat sorta strange road you've both been on, too). Ailments and injuries.
ReplyDeleteYou take good care of yourself and I look forward to seeing you at Quilt Market in Houston!!!
Wishing you well! I hope you get back on your feet soon so you can make lots of beautiful things for market. Take care!!
ReplyDeleteOh my sweets, I hope you are feeling better. Take it easy..enjoy the break. :)
ReplyDeleteOk, LOVE the chaise lounge and bench! TDF! Hopefully that list that went out the door, is getting shorter!
ReplyDeleteWhen ever you feel you are the only person awake at this god forsaken hour... drop me an email, I will reassure you there are at least a handfull more of vampire types I could ramble off the top of my head to let you know you are not alone!
Here's to 4 weeks of craziness!
Thanks, everyone! Your support and encouragement mean so much to me! :)