Sophie's World

So... Sophie & Sydney are playing house this morning. Sophie says "I'll be the mom" and Sydney says "I'll be the dad." Then, Sophie starts laughing at her and tells her she's dumb. So, of course, I cut in and reprimanded Sophie and asked why she called her sister "dumb". This is what followed:

Well, dads have to go to work all day long and watch football in the weekends. YUK!

Moms get to stay home all day and do fun things like make clothes and play on the computer.

Of course, I am feeling my blood boiling inside of me. I want so badly to let her know that I am also a professional. That I have a college degree just like daddy and that I used to work full-time in an office just like daddy does and that her and her sister used to go to daycare until we figured out a way for me to stay home... for their benefit, not mine. I also want to ask her who she thinks cleans this house all day and does the grocery shopping and drives her around to school and swim lessons and playdates... And just as I'm feeling like a sad 1950's stereotype, she adds:

And moms get to pick what we're having for dinner and dads have to eat it even if they don't like it.

ROTFL!!!!!!! Needless to say, I lost my train of thought.


  1. lol - You gotta love how kids think! I cannot wait until Emma starts putting words together...she gives us some of the funniest looks & mumbles words we don't understand at us sometimes. She is going to be so fun when she starts really talking! I'm sorry I haven't emailed you about my prize yet...its been an interesting week. I'll email you this weekend I promise! Thanks again girl!

  2. I'd love to have been there watching!! LOL!!! You're daughters are so adorable :)

  3. heee hee... glad you all like that. I am still chuckling to myself!

    Amber, please take your time, I'm in no rush.

    Dayna... your girls and my girls would get along famously based on what I've been reading on your blog! LOL!

  4. Anonymous5:37 PM

    That is so funny! I love her view on the world. Isn't that so how it is? Little girls usually want to grow up to be a mommy. Don't get me wrong, being a mom is great, but it's so much harder than you think it is going to be. Thanks for sharing!


  5. Yep! I hear ya, Chelsea! ;)

  6. Your girls sound like my daughter... funny and innocently honest - what a great way to be. Lets hope it lasts well into adulthood. Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your music selection - especially Blister in the Sun. I am 34 and listened to that when I was in middle school. Occasionally I will hear it and sing it very loudly to my husband's annoyance - it makes for a great few minutes!!!!

  7. HAHA! Yep, but when you are brutally honest as an adult people don't always find it "endearing" ;)

  8. You have a wonderful blog and lovely pictures!I will come back...


  9. Thanks for stopping by, Steffi. I just took a peek at your blog... really wonderful stuff too! :)

  10. LOL!!! oh how cute! Childrens view on the world is great!!!

  11. Anonymous1:27 PM

    That is soooo funny!

  12. Out of the mouth of babes! LMBO!

  13. Thanks for stopping by, ladies! Glad I could put a smile on your faces... it sure did it for me! ;)

  14. Anonymous8:24 PM

    You clean?

  15. Yes, believe it or not, I do, Sean! And not just before you guys come over!!! ;)


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