WDT, Part 3: Orlando
Bernina University

And on with the tour... We spent the next few days in sunny Orlando at the Bernina University 2010 show. I really didn't know what to expect since this was our first time attending but I was certainly not disappointed. Set-up was a snap (a few minutes of our time versus the 2 days it takes to set up a Quilt Market booth). The setting couldn't be any more gorgeous. And there was lots of opportunity for networking. I saw some familiar faces there and met lots of new people.

I spent most of my days doing this...


While the rest of the family did this...


But they did let me out once in a while, so I can't complain...


The highlight of the show was in no doubt the last day in which Sydney was invited to participate in the 2010 Bernina University Fashion Show. WOW! What a wonderful experience this was for all of us, but especially for my little baby, who had her runway debut and never even broke a sweat (I can assure you the rest of us were way more nervous than she was!)

The Fashion Show lasted well over an hour but we wanted to share a little 6-minute excerpt from the show with you all. This is the portion that showcases the indie pattern designers such as yours truly but you'll also recognize some familiar names like Pink Fig, Lila Tueller, Lucy Morey and Colette Patterns. Enjoy...

(and yes, I know the announcer called Kyoko "Ava"... oh well. She realized her mistake later on and corrected it when the real Ava came out.) ;)

And now for the giveaway! I made a lot of new friends at Bernina University and it totally paid off to stay till the end because after the show, most vendors left behind lots of show samples. The Olfa booth was right next to ours and the nice Olfa lady gave me a couple of Olfa Circle Rotary Cutters which she assured would be ideal for cutting those circles on the sides of my Sun & Surf Tote... and she was right! This tool is downright GENIUS! Down the aisle from us the nice couple manning the Dritz booth gave me a few samples of their 40 mm snap-on grommets, which are the same size that I use for the Sun & Surf Tote. You see where I'm going with this, right?


I would love to share the wealth with one of my dear blog readers by giving away a prize package which includes:

1 Olfa Circle Rotary Cutter
1 Pkg of Dritz brand 40mm snap-on Grommets (you choose the color...I have 8 different colors! And each package contains 8 grommets.)
1 Sun & Surf Tote pattern
3 yards of Patty Young fabric (you choose the fabrics from any of my 4 quilting cotton collections!)

Just leave a comment below and tell me... well... anything! Did you enjoy the video? Do you want your own complete Sun & Surf Tote kit? What fabrics would you choose if you won? Are you enjoying your Summer so far? Have your Summer travels taken you anywhere fun and exciting?

I'll randomly pick a winner one week from today (Monday, July 26). Good luck!!!
Added: please leave a way to contact you in the comments... either a clickable link or an email address. In the past we've had a heck of a time trying to contact contest winners! ;)


  1. What a cutie pie Sydney is! She owned that runway! :)

  2. I Love your patterns and follow your blog, and was so excited to see your video!!! I was acctually in the fashion show with your little girl, wasn't that fun! She was such a pro, and I was a nervous wreck! If you ever decide to do a tour around the Oklahoma area we would Love to have you! Thanks for posting the video, now I can show all of my friends!
    Nancy Rathbun
    Completely Quilted

  3. You are really making me miss FL from way out here in the dry dusty New Mexico....thanks for sharing your trip and the colorful fabric, sewing, teaching adventures you had!

  4. Wow, looks like fun. I really have been wanting to check out the circle cutter!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Thank you all for the comments!

    Nancy, how wonderful! We have the whole show on video so if you want to tell me which portion you were in, or which outfit you modeled, I can get my hubby to send you that part of the video. The whole thing is HUGE (over 1 hr. long and would probably crash all email servers! haha P.S. I would love to come to Oklahoma... maybe on my next tour! ;)


  6. So fun, thanks for the chance. :)

    I love your designs! I don't know what fabric I'd choose.. I've really been loving flora and fauna, but I kind of want to try the new stuff too!! And, we're having a great summer... I don't want it to end because my baby (well, the oldest...) will start kindergarten soon!!

    sarah8914 at gmail dot com

  7. I've been enjoying my summer so far. It's been nice to have time to get some sewing done!

  8. wow! How generous!! thank you for an awesome giveaway. You certainly seem to be dominting the world with your tour!!!

  9. Grommets scare me (I'm sort of new at sewing anything more than blankets) but with that fabulous pattern and fabric, I might be convinced to be brave!

  10. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I would love to win this pattern and the stuff to make it. I have a 2-3 hour sewing window most days at the moment while my 5 month old daughter naps. It's a novelty for me to be home every afternoon but great for my sewing.
    butlerkathy at yahoo dot com or use the aim to contact me when I win!

  11. JWZ1978, don't be scared of these grommets. They just snap together so you don't need any special tool to work with them. You just hold one side in one hand and the other side in the other hand and press them together until they snap closed... easy peasy! :)


  12. Sydney is such a pro! We just got back from Orlando and it was fantastic : ) Glad your travels were safe!

  13. Sydney was a natural model! So cute!

    kim.b.funk@gmail.com is how you get hold of me to tell me I won!

  14. This is such a generous giveaway! And I think you should pick me because tomorrow is my birthday and it would make an awesome birthday present. :)

  15. Sydney is just the absolute cutest ever - I missed seeing you in Atlanta but it looks like you are having a wonderful Tour !

  16. I am so jealous of these displays... I wish I could viit ne. So not fair posting summery swimming, I am freezing lol...
    Oh your little girl looks like a natural at fahion modelling, she is beautiful.
    I love all your fabric lines so am not sure which I would choose if I won.. decisions lol..

    Thank you for the giveaway :)
    LittleBoodah @ gmail . com (need to remove spaces to contact)

  17. Stephanie4:45 PM

    oooh I would love to make one of those totes! I just ordered some of your knits and I can't wait for them to arrive. I know they will be even more gorgeous in person!! Congrats to your cute little Sydney - she was absolutely darling and had the cutest clothes! ;)

  18. I just saw that cutter a few days ago. I love circles so I'd put it to good use. I've been crushing on your fabric and still haven't had a chance to get any so I'd be thrilled to finally have some!

  19. Looks and sounds like a fabulous time.
    Thanks for sharing!

  20. Looks like you had a great time! Awesome giveaway!

  21. Now that is one awesome giveaway!

    And your daughter did a great job in the fashion show! I can't wait until my little girl is old enough to model some of my ideas :)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. What a fun way to get my hands into some of your fabulous fabrics!! And I would love to try out that pattern! My Summer has been really "hot" so far... but fabulout nonetheless...


  24. I can't believe I missed you in Orlando! I love your fabrics and patterns. Everything is fresh and just makes me smile! I already have your Teal Goldfish and am just waiting for an inspirational project!

  25. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Your summer tote just looks so cheerful and happy! I think it would be one of those things I'd use all year round.

    pleiadeswwp at shaw dot ca

  26. Jennie5:04 PM

    OMGosh!! Sydney was awesome!! Loved her bee-boppin down the runway :)

  27. starjumper5:09 PM

    while i would love the sun&surf tote to go with my planned towel (from your free pattern!), how could anyone pass up free fabric?!

    tamara_maxwell (at) hotmail (dot) com

  28. What a cutie! Both Sydney and the bag.

  29. Did you take time to see the mouse while you were in Orlando? My kids are dying to go. Maybe someday.

  30. Oh i have enjoyed every entry in your world tour! how fun it looks like you have had. all i can say is that while i love all of your fabrics and would be very lucky to win anything you give away, i have a big ol' stack of knits waiting to be turned into darling clothing items for very lucky children!! thank you for bringing such cute printed knits to the masses! woohoo. and your daughter did a GREAT job...

    christi Smith

  31. Loved the video-I just wanted to give Sydney a big hug she was so cute!
    I'm actually in the middle of sewing right now with these amazing knits & patterns from Patty Young! My granddaughters are going to be the fashionistas of their classes once school starts!

  32. All sounds FUN, Lovely kids and lovely work! you must be so proud of what you have :) .... Till now I used many of your fabrics, but not the Play date one, I would love to try Lime or Chocolate Gum Drops, they look sweet!

  33. You are so sweet to offer such a nice giveaway! Thank you! "Keep on Struttin' it Girl!" So cute!

  34. Oh how cool. I have sworn off making all bags until Sun and Surf came out. I just haven't gotten up my nerve to buy it yet. I would LOVE to win this and give it a go!!!

  35. Sydney looked like she enjoyed herself up there. I love that bag pattern and fabric well it has to be flora and fauna but turqiose or black that is the question?

    Thanks for such a great giveaway

  36. I would love to have a kit to make the tote. Looks like you had lots of fun!

  37. Love your patterns and your fabrics!
    Bernina University sounds so fun!
    Loved the video!
    belinda at gelhausen dot org

  38. I loved the video! What a cutie pie! :) she did great!
    I would love to try out that circle cutter, looks like FUN! I love your fabrics & have been making lots of stuff with the Goldfish and Hive.
    Great Giveaway!!!!! :)

  39. Sydney is so cute; what a precious special video!

    Thanks for the opportunity on the great giveaway too!


  40. I love bags and your bag is so cute!!!

  41. we have had 3 weeks of vacation out of the last five weeks (one week at a time) and I am SOOOO ready to get my family back on a schedule! Hopefully a little sewing makes its way into that schedule :o)

  42. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I love your stuff! Such talent! I would love to win your give-away...

  43. I have been dying to make the Sun & Surf Tote ever since I first saw it, I've just been trying to work up the nerve (I am new to sewing). Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. I love the tote... and all of your fabric!

  45. Sydney was so cute!!! Love your fabric and patterns!

  46. Oh I would love to try the circle cutter! Thanks,

  47. Wow! Sydney certainly doesn't lack self confidence. Loved her hair. I'm really coveting the Olga circle cutter.

  48. Sydney did such a great job! She is just too adorable!!

  49. I just got some of your new fabric - I can't wait to find a project for it. It will have to wait a bit, I've a birthday party to take care of and then get ready for our trip to the east coast (we live on the west coast.) It looks like you had a great trip.

  50. Love those photos! Looks like you all had a good time :)

    Wish you could come visit us up in Canada one day!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  51. hello from hot and sunny california. will you ever be out this way? great photos & video!
    here's my email if i'm lucky enough to win:


  52. Oh Patty, Sydney was adorable. The video didn't work really well on my computer for some reason but I did see her with the chopsticks in her hair. I love that!

    And thank you for the chance at the giveaway. I have my eyes on some Playdate! Glad you had fun at BU. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

  53. Australia is so cold right now.. I'd love to start a summer project!

  54. Wow, sounds like you had a lot of fun. Makes me want to go to Florida. Sydney did a super job modeling. It must have been so much fun for her.

  55. Sydney is too cute in this video! I love her hair (and the matching doll hair, too).

  56. loving the sun and surf pattern...looks like the perfect bag for the pool/beach!!!

  57. ahh!! I can't WAIT to move into my own place and make that shower curtain! I found your pattern already on sew4home and am all ready to go, just need a place to hang it.

    Painted Butterfly Studio

  58. Ah, very cute video. Having a great summer! Thanks :)

  59. id love a flora and fawna tote...and i woudl love to give grommets a try!
    no special plans this summer although we have a trip to NC planned for my husbands 40th birthday!!! his whole family will be there!

  60. Love the pattern. I haven't gotten it yet...yet! Hopefully I'll win it. Thank you so much,


  61. I love your blog. You have a lovely family and your fabrics are amazing. I can't wait to make the sun & surf tote.

  62. LOVED the video! She was just too stinkin' cute!!!

  63. Sounds like a wonderful event to participate in! We have traveled over 2000 miles in under 2 weeks - I'm ready for some stay-at-home sewing time!

  64. Wow!!!
    What a great giveaway!!! I am almost done with the Patty Young knits I got from you on your world tour to Atlanta. So I totally need a new project and would love to make your new bag.


  65. Great giveaway!!!! I am loving sitting by the pool this summer :)

  66. Thanks for a fantastic giveaway. I would love to make that bag! It's still winter here but that gives me time to have it ready for summer :)

  67. I love your blog! You are so creative and inspiring. I love your Mezzanine collection,
    If I win you can contact me @


  68. Love to read all about your adventures! The video was loads of fun to watch. Thanks for the fun giveaway! Let's see my summer excitement was our daughter's wedding!

  69. I find your patterns fascinating. This one looks to be no exception!

  70. Thanks for such a great giveaway! I love hearing about your trip.

  71. love your patterns, and that looks like one cool giveaway. sounds like a lot of fun too.

  72. Looks like a successful and fun trip. Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway

  73. Ooh! I do love that tote, and I would definitely want some of the lime dandelion to make an appearance on mine! On another note, I have been stalking my local fabric store in search of your knits - and finally! Today was the day... yippee! :)

  74. I have only been sewing for about a year and am having a lot of fun making things for my kids. I love your fabric and patterns. Today, I started the Kyokoand my daughter wear it this weekend. Thanks for your fabulous instructions!

  75. What would I choose, I really am not sure. I love flora and fauna but playdate is sooo cute. This summer has been a very sad one...I lost my Grandfather that I loved very much and another family friend who I also cared about very much...so this summer has not been the greatest. Following your blog has been a real treat and lots of fun. Thank you.

    Andi S.
    bennekal at msn dot com

  76. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I really enjoy your blog. I'm making a yoga skirt using your tutorial this weekend!


  77. Holy Cow! I would LOVE this! Your blog, your material, and your patterns inspire daily! The colors are so bright and fun....they scream summer! Especially the Flora and Fauna collection...sigh.... =)

  78. Oooohhh! Pick me! ;) I would *LOVE* to make that tote for taking the kiddos to the pool! We're moving to Arizona next week, so it would be perfect since "pool weather" lasts for quite some time down there! :)


  79. Mollye12:22 AM

    Lovely giveaway, thanks for the opportunity. mollyejo at yahoo dot com

  80. elizabeth m.12:53 AM

    Sounds like a wonderful trip for all. Your daughter is adorable! Recently returned from the humid midwest and breezy Chicago for a family reunion of sorts.
    Thanks for sharing your family and career with us all!

    djesmeek at comcast dot net

  81. I'd make my Christmas wish in advance...lol....for this giveaway!

    Love your fabrics so so much!!!!!

  82. Oh my goodness! Sydney looks so darn cute up there! She looked so tiny up there!

  83. I love to win anything, and I would especially love to win any of your fabrics, especially if there's going to be a bag involved. I love bags, too. Oh, dear, I sure love a lot of things!

  84. Wow Patty, looks like you had a wonderful time! I have been having fun making the Kyoko all summer and even created my own version of a sleeveless one for a friend...thanks for the inspiration.....truly someone to look up to! I'd love the opportunity to meet you if you ever get to the Seattle area!

  85. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Oh ... I could use a win ... just had surgery myself (gallbladder) and a "stupid" call, that my dad had a tiny stroke ... really annoyed.

    Well ... and as u know ... I looooooooooooooooover your stuff!


  86. I've now made 2 of your patterns, Nina and Sophie, pretty much the only thing I can make that my daughter will wear! So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I'd love to try one of your bag patterns, and the fish print is the best!

  87. Patty, I love all your work, fabric, patterns, outfits. You are a fabulous designer. And Sydney did a wonderful job modeling. She's is just precious.

    Debbie Maxwell
    KaNoodles Kids

  88. The video was so enjoyable to watch. Glad that you showed it. Sydney was co cute! Would love to win some goodies.

  89. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Wow what a great little model you have there. She certainly could walk the walk!! I love all your fabric lines, they are so bright and just make me smile when i see them. Would love a great bag to take to the beach. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  90. Thanks for sharing the video clip - how fun!

  91. I've never seen that circle cutter...I must try one out! I NEED a tote like that. We are always at the pool and my bag is plain and boring!

    407belleque @ gmail . com

  92. I've been sewing so much for my fledgling business and my kiddos that I'd love to make that bag for me!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  93. Your daughter is really adorable! She is the star of the runway there. Did you notice that she got applauded the most in the show?
    (Thank you for this great giveaway btw. I would really love to win!)

  94. Oh my - I didn't plan to but after watching that video I now have to comment on Sydney - she is too cute for words!
    Love the sassy strut she developed!

  95. What can I say? Awesome!!! Thanks for posting the video and sharing. Count me in for the giveaaway!!

  96. Sydney was so cute on the runway, what an adorable little walk she has.

  97. What a great blog! I have so much fun checking out all the great things. Thank you so much for sharing! -- Hattie at morrishillquilts.blogspot.com

  98. Sydney was a real professional out there! Would love to make your bag... a girl can never have too many bags, right?

  99. I LOVE your fabrics. I wish we had a cute quilting shop locally that sold your stuff. Although, economically, its probably good we don't. I would pick the Black Ta Dot, White Hummingbirds, and Lime Dandelion to make an awesome bag. tag3240 at hotmail dot com.

  100. Amy Solik10:15 AM

    Just wanted to say your patterns are amazing and your fabric is so original! As a beginner to sewing, you are quite inspirational! I hope my 2 young daughters will eventually get to wear your/my "creations!" Great video!

  101. I've just been looking for bag patterns and I had *gasp* actually forgotton *oops* about your tote - it's perfect!

  102. Love your colorfull fabrics!

  103. Wow, what an exciting drawing. I love your stuff and hope I win. I just ordered 8 yards of your fabric from Fabric.com so I can make outfits for the whole family. Wouldn't it be fun to have a matching diaper bag!

  104. I like the lollipop dreams, gumdrops, and squiggly stripe fabrics from the Playdate collection. You can never go wrong with candy, IMO!
    dollyoutfitters AT gmail DOT com

  105. Oh, how wonderful! I've been eying your sun and surf bag pattern and I LOVE all of your fabrics! I adore bright colors, so your stuff is right up my alley! I just ordered your dandelion lime fabric for a halter top just for me from Hawthorne Threads! It should be here today or tomorrow! Can't wait!

  106. Your daughter was so brave. We are heading down to Orlando in October. Can't wait.

  107. You blog is a fun place for me to go and visit! you are incredibly talented and the fabric designs you create are so incredibly happy Thank you for the opportunity!

  108. I live in FL and I need a tote! You can never have too many! I would probably choose the teal/red hummingbird print, it's my fav! Thanks for the giveaway!

  109. Your daughter may have found her true calling! So cute!!!

  110. Hi Patty!
    It is amazing! You have pick nick bag with your prints... I love them! I just finished one blouse with one of your fabrics!
    Thankx for the give away!

  111. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I can't believe that it is already July 20! :( Summer is flying by too quickly! We are going on vacation next week - in Colorado! Can't wait!!
    steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (*) com

  112. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Such a cute video! She didn't look nervous at all! :)
    seemommysew @ gmailDOTcom

  113. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I think that I would pick out some floral and fauna fabric for my tote. I *so* love it, and might just have to buy these items to make myself one in case I don't win.


  114. what a cutie-pie! She did great!

    gordandalisa at gmail dot com

  115. What a cute kid she is! A model in the making perhaps??
    My little family (hubby and two young boys) have gone on two vacations this summer. The first was a week at the Texas coast where hurricane Alex cut our week two days short :( the second was to Sea World in San Antonio for a day where the park was so packed we spent all of our time waiting in lines and fighting crowds :(
    Eventhough things did not always go our way we still enjoyed beign together and made the best of some not-so-great situations! Happy Summer!

  116. WOW! How exciting for Sydney. I am sewing for a wedding right now,and then finishing off my daughter's kindergarten clothing as soon as Im done the wedding stuff- that's my whole summer! lol..

  117. What beautiful fabric, love all the bold bright beautiful colors, hope to win!!!


  118. Your daughter did a great job in the fashion show. So cute!
    Thanks for the chance to win:)

  119. What an awesome giveaway! I've just started making purses, wallets ect... I normally just sew clothing for the kids. Now that I've got one purse under my belt and a handful of wallets....I NEED to create more! I recently have become fascinated with grommets...though I haven't bought any yet. I saw a lady the other day at the store who had used grommets on the sleeve of a basic t-shirt to dress it up..what a great idea! I love all your fabrics! And ecspecially your new knits! Holy cow are they popular! Anyhow I love your blog and ideas!!

  120. Oh! I would so love to win! I really appreciate how you use such vivid colors in your fabrics! Thanks for the opportunity.


  121. I'm really enjoying seeing your business flourish! Love the Sun & surf tote!! Perfect for going to the beach this summer.


  122. Wow I have to say I LOVE your blog!!! This summer we went to Hawaii for 4th of July and I have to say that it felt like heaven!

  123. What a great little fashion show. I would have to say my favourtie bit was the gorgeous little smile your daughter had on her face the second tiem she came out. She was much more confident, and her strut was adorable.
    Thanks for sharing your video, and being generous with a prize to top it off!


  124. I loved the video. I never realized they had a fashion show to showcase the new fabric lines. How exciting it must have been to be there. I would love to win the giveaway so my little grandnieces could have a couple of new outfits (and maybe my grandbaby hope chest)!

  125. Hi! I just picked up some of your patterns (Kyoko and the doll Kyoko) at Honey Run Quilts in Chico , CA....looking forward to making them for my granddaughters!

  126. The video was amazing. The difference between the youngest and the teenager....
    Count me in for this giveaway.

  127. What a cute video. I would love a Sun and Surf kit. I really like the Play Date fabric the pattern cover is made from. ginger c at gmail dot com

  128. What a wonderful giveaway! It has been a very busy & hot summer! I love the tote pattern and I really love the Lime Chinese Lanterns print!

  129. Wooo Hooo what a FANTABULOUS giveaway! I LOVED the runway video! Sydney was awesome! Patty that picture of you is GORGEOUS! You look amazing! It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the great giveaway!

  130. Sydney is a natural model, I think; she's such a doll!

  131. Sydney is such a cutie, but you knew that already! :)

  132. What an awesome score! Its like getting a discount at the end of the day at the bakery. I would love to make that bag with the same goldfish prints you made it with. Perfect!

  133. I love your patterns. I really want to make 4 Sun and Surf totes for my granddaughters. I am making them doll clothes from your patterns and the doll dress bags for Christmas. The Sun and Surf tote would be a perfect match to store all their clothes for a grandma fun night. Can't wait to see playdate fabric.


  134. I loved the style show, and the little sun dress was adorable. I don't know which fabrics I would choose. It takes me days to decide on fabrics. LOL
    Thanks for a great giveaway.
    Shirley C.

  135. loved the video! I would love to win this. Believe it or not, I've never tried to sew a tote before! I just joined a ladies craft night and this would be an awesome first project to do with them!

  136. What a fabulous prize, everything to make a gorgeous bag.
    Sounds like you've had a great time away.

  137. please please... I hope I win! love your patterns and the pictures you put on your blog!
    Also - love the summer.. though stack in my little offoce I can barely feel it :-(

  138. What great prizes! I love the Andalucia collection and would probably get some fabric from that!
    you can contact me here
    nrain128 at yahoo dot com

  139. trying very hard to entertain my children with changes in the economy!!! ;) and love the hummingbird and dot fabrics! Love your work and style!!

  140. Oh my God, I am so excited that I cannot type properly!!! Thanks for this great giveaway... I would love to win some of your fabrics... they are so difficult to get here in Europe. And the pattern looks so great.
    Sydney is jsut the cutest! :)

  141. It would be great to win this one. I have been eyeing that sun and surf tote. Have enjoyed reading about your travels. Here's to winning.



  142. Love your fabric! Love your your site ! And I loved your little one in the show!

  143. It's winter here although with beautiful clear sunny days and I've seen a few trees that are starting to bud. Just the encouragement needed to make a beach bag!

  144. Not much for blogging but I follow yours religiously because I LOVE your patterns and fabrics. The video of the fashion show was "priceless" Your little one....what a cutie! Would Love to win this give away - the tools sound fun but the pattern and fabric - yum! Thanks and keep blogging, you make my day :-). ilvtoys@aol.com

  145. Anonymous10:53 AM

    what a neat trip, i bet you're exhausted...my six month old and i just got back from a little summer trip and we are wiped out. but it was totally worth it! i'm ready to get back to sewing and a summer tote would be so perfect!

  146. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Enjoyed reading your blog and the video. Your fabrics and patterns are great.


  147. Loved the video. Watch out for Sydney, by the end of the show, she was getting pretty omfortable in front of the croud!

  148. Sydney did a terrific job, she really worked it! Im planning on making the Sun & Surf tote soon, Im dying to replace my huge baby bag for something more practical and fashionable.


  149. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Patty, your blog is just wonderful as well as your designs!!! Loved the posts on your world domination tour. Of course, your baby Sydney is just adorable!!! I hope my daughter grows up to be just like Sydney! :)

    ggdigs2pups (at) bellsouth (dot) net

  150. I love your fabrics! I'd love to be able to create my own tote! Thanks for the giveaway!

  151. Wow what a thrilling giveaway! I'm a new Patty Young fabrics admirer - I really want to accent my entire house with her fabrics and am planning my nursery (baby due January 19!) around my favorite PY fabrics. I just have to wait until next month to find out whether its a girl or boy so I know whether I should add pinks or greens into the mix!

    Thanks so much for giving away some of this swag! :)

    kindredspiritreviews at gmail dot com

  152. I love your patterns and material! Great giveaway!

  153. Your daughter was adorable in the fashion show. Your fabrics and patterns are so fun. My summer has been filled with a husband retiring, family moving in with us and me trying to keep up with them. I just finished one of your purses and I would love to try another one. Keep up the good work and enjoy that cute little model.

  154. What a great giveaway! This would be perfect for my family's annual trip to the Outer Banks next month!

  155. Love your giveaway! Now going to read your blog!

  156. Just found your blog and I have added you to my "google reader" account so I'll see your latest posts. Now I have to go read your older posts and really get acquainted. Please include me in your give away draw.

  157. You look absolutely fabulous in that first photo! Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you.

  158. Your little girl is such a doll! Loved the fashion show. You must have been bursting with pride. Thanks for another chance at a great giveaway!


  159. I just thought I would let you know that I recently misplaced my Sophie pattern, and I feel like I have lost a dear old friend. We love it THAT much! lol Thanks for all your great patterns and all your hard work!

  160. vicki1:03 AM

    I just thought I would let you know that I recently misplaced my Sophie pattern, and I feel like I have lost a dear old friend. We love it THAT much! lol Thanks for all your great patterns and all your hard work!

    (sorry about the last post, I linked wrong.) =/


  161. the video is great and i love your work!!
    if i would be so so lucky to win i would chose fabric from play date- i just love that collection!!!

  162. Sydney is just adorable. That first walk she appeared to be a little overwhelmed by all the lights and people but still sure of herself. BUT, the 2nd trip down that runway she looked like a pro and just too cute with the flip of her hands.

    You are awesome to have such a fabulous giveaway. How do we pick from all of your beautiful fabrics? Gosh, I just love the Flora and Fauna Lime Stone or Raspberry lines. LOVE them both. I've used one of those circle cutters a few years ago in a class at the Viking store and they are wonderful.

  163. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Took my son for a college visit to the DC area and did some sightseeing. Very hot but a great time. Not enough time this summer to sew...I miss it!!
    Jeanna @

  164. HI,

    I would love to make this tote for our summer. Its very cold here at the moment, the fabric sings summer! IT would be just lovely to be able to whip one of these fabulous totes up for a long hot aussie summer. For me, I'd just love the purple fabric with the gold fish and the gorgeous laters to amtch. They are just lovely lovely designs. I really love your patterns, and I can't wait to see what you come with next!


  165. I feel like summer is slipping away. My oldest starts school in one month so we are doing our best to pack in as much as we can in the next few weeks! One of my favorite memories so far is the laughter coming from my kids and their friends. What a great sound to hear!!

  166. Thanks for this giveaway!!!

  167. Seeing the patterns/outfits you have put together for your daughter over time has inspired me to create for my little girl, who is starting school in September.

    Your fabric makes me feel happy when I look at and brings a smile to my face. Which to me, is a simple way to make a day bright and sunny. Keep up the fabulous work!

  168. Okay, have I ever won anything like this? No, but man do I want to win this!!! I love the video clip, thanks so much for sharing your cutie's debut. If I won I would pick the playdate collection for the fabric because I so want to do my girls' room with it! I would put everything in the package to good use and even sew up one of the bags and do a drawing for it on the sewingmamas forum. I love all your stuff!


  169. Id love to have this prize package. Would be so fun to create.

  170. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Travelling part of our summer is over and now I can sit and read and sew! Have fun! Nyla-Jean - Ontario


  171. It would be really fun to make one of these bags. Any fabric would look really good.


  172. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Cute video, she looked darling with her matching doll. I just purchased the Kyoko pattern a couple of weeks a go :) I would probably pick a couple from your playdate line. sang(at)gci(dot)net

  173. Okay, even though we just got back from vacation, I'd still like to make a sun & surf bag because I'm thinking there's more left to summer!!! Thanks for your awesome giveaways!

  174. I wanna win! By far our favorite summer memory has been our trip to visit family 2500 miles away in Oregon. We flew military space A which is an adventure all itself! To come home we flew on a c-17 (google for pics!) and my 10 year old son got to sit up front in the cockpit for the landing! What a great experience for him!!! We also took a ferry, a train, and a rental car, not to mention some smelly taxis. Stressful at times, but sooooo worth it!

  175. Patty, I love reading your blog entries. Everything about your line of fabrics and patterns is so full of energy and fun! It sounds as though you had a wonderful trip. Too bad summer is almost over and the girls will be soon headed back to school. I know you will have lots of darling ideas for that though!! Sure hope I may get lucky this time. :)

  176. Bernina U looked fabulous. I am jealous. I am recooperating from a small surgery downstairs and scheming how I am going to get up to my Bernina tomorrow (upstairs). I do like the tote. I have this thing about bags. I make lots of them. I am also fond of the Flora and Fauna line, so I would go with some of that if I get to choose.

  177. Yes - i would like one please! What fun these items would be and i am dying to experience your fabrics. My sister just told me about them.
    please contact me at pz143@sbcglobal.net
    thank you very much

  178. Love the Sun & Surf tote -- I've been doing an audit of all the bags out there and decided this is the one I need to make!

    BTW love your new knits and knit patterns, too -- so excited to see more cool availability in knits.

  179. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Love your patterns and fabrics. They make up so yummy and my grands just love the clothes I make for them. Thanks! Patricia knacker_love@yahoo.com

  180. Elizabeth7:07 AM

    Sydney looked sooo cute - especially in the Kyoto! I've made several of your patterns (including yoga skirts for me) and am anxious to try the new bag pattern.


  181. That tote would make for great wedding presents to take along on beach honeymoons!

  182. I just finished my first modkid pattern. I plan on making many more for my daughter's birthday. Thanks for the colorful cover which caught my eye. Thanks also for the easy pattern directions.


  183. Enjoyed the video! This is a great giveaway!I would love to have the kit to make a tote. Thanks for the chance to win!

  184. Thank your for sharing the video. Looks like it was a lot of fun and Sydney did great. This summer is super busy with lots of sewing. Not sure what fabric I would choose if I won but I'm sure I could make a decision if necessary :)
    just in case.....

  185. Love that pattern ... and don't ask me what my fave fabrics are... too hard! lol! they're all amazing.


  186. I would be happy with ANY of your fabrics! I love it all. Was so happy to walk in my local Bernina store and see the KNITS!!! YAY!
    Congrats to Sydney!

  187. Oh, I love this pattern! In one week my vacation starts. I've just received your beautyfull knits. Going to spend my vacation making beautifull clothes with them. I would love to make the tote as well...

  188. I adore bags, and Little Bit says that one she wants!

  189. Patty you are so cute, love the fabrics! - kary ( gorillabear)

  190. hmm cute.....the little girl is so lovly...i enjoyed it..i like ur site and fabric collection.very beautiful stuff..well i would love to have the tote kit....it'll be very useful for me coz its very hot here.it goes to 50C and we often go to beach..and i love the chocolate stripe fabric...


  191. Loved the video! And the picture of Sydney in the pool, it's like she is always ready to model! :)

    Vendors leaving you with such treasures! You must feel like a kid in a candy shop! I know I would. :)

  192. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Would love to win this awesome giveaway. Patty, you are so much fun and it show's in your awesome fabric designs :-)

  193. She looks like she's having fun. What a beautiful little girl you have!

  194. I love how you used the selvage on the tote on the pattern cover! So cute!

  195. What a super give away, but usa only?
    Hope not because it would be to the netherlands for me ;)
    Love your knit-fabrics and hope to have some yards on my table my time soon.
    Groetjes uit holland(greeting from hooland)

  196. Oh! awesome giveaway!
    I loved all your designs, it´s very difficult choose only one..
    Thank for sharing the video.
    Greetings from Spain

  197. cute!!! love the new knits...but I will take the quilting fabrics!!! thanks!

  198. Anonymous8:05 PM

    My summer is going great! My oldest son just singed up and took his oath to join the US Navy! My youngest ones are having lots of fun doing all their summer things:) I'm actually getting some sewing done which is really amazing!! Finally broke down and ordered a few yards of your amazing knits!
    But by far your summer rock!!! SO happy for your success. Its always so nice when someone is nice and a good mom and a great business woman! I love your patterns and each and everyone of your collections so far! Keep up the good work:)

  199. Everything looks fabulous. I hope you have had time to rest and catch up after your World Domination Tour!




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