Laundry, Vomit and a little Award

No, I did not get an award for washing clothes and puking but I should have, as my body feels like it has gone through a horrible boxing match right about now. Let's just say that my first week back from the Boutique Cafe Girls Getaway Weekend has not been the easiest for me.

First I had to relive the whole experience in tears as I read everyone's blogs and browsed through hundreds of pictures... my throat was in a knot for most of Monday & Tuesday. Then I had to tackle the huge mountains of dirty laundry that had accumulated while I was gone. See, I had been too busy to do anything but pack & prepare the days before the getaway so it had REALLY piled up. I washed non-stop for days... well, until Wednesday evening came around, then I wasn't doing much but hugging my toilet. Let's rewind, shall we? Jon goes out of town on Tuesday for 3 days (work-related). On Wednesday, the girls say they want Happy Meals for lunch. So off we go to McDonald's and I think I'm being good and staying on my diet by ordering one of their Premium Salads and an Unsweetened Iced Tea. Fast forward to 7 or 8 hrs. later as I'm watching huge chunks of lettuce, tomato and whatever the heck else they put in those salads come out of me with a fierce fury. The food poisoning lasted for about 36 hrs. and I was here alone with 2 small children and no one to help. Yep! That's what I should have gotten the award for.

But no. I actually received a Thinking Blogger Award from two of my favorite bloggers of all time. I am so honored... and surprised! First because I didn't think my blog was making anyone think, LOL, and secondly because these two women who I admire greatly actually nominated me. How cool is that? I was nominated first by Sarah (marvellousmouse) and then By Gyl (rhembein). Thanks ladies!! Now I'm supposed to nominate 5 bloggers. And I know it's probably against the rules but I will be nominating you guys back because you blogs really make me think... or I guess muse. hee hee

**UPDATE** I also received a Thinking Blogger nomination from my friend Amelia of SweetFeetBoutique. She has recently made the switch from Blogspot to Typepad and I totally missed it because I was sick for so many days. Thanks, Amelia!!! ***

OK, on to the "rules":

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.

OK, so now it's my turn. I will nominate 2 blogs that will probably never see this posting at all because they are just too cool for me (LOL!) but I read them just about every day and they inspire me in so many ways:

1. Dooce: I have been reading her blog for about 3 years now -- way before I ever even dreamt of having a blog of my own. She makes me want to be a better writer and photographer and I am extremely inspired by the fact that she was able to turn blogging into a full-time job. Even her hubby quit his job to help maintain Dooce. WAY TO GO!!

2. HELLO My Name Is Heather: She inspires me to push myself creatively every day and to surround myself with beautiful things. Her blog gives me the visual stimulation I need every day... like a bit of caffeine kick to get me going. Lovely!

3. PortabelloPixie: She got me interested in starting my own blog. Her beautiful photography and design inspired me to get started and I've never looked back. Thanks, Sandi!

4. Rhembein: WOW! What can I say?! She was recently nominated for 5 different Blogger awards and was very deserving of them. Gorgeous photography, interesting stories, beautiful designs. Everything a blog should be wrapped into a sweet package! Thanks for the shout out, Gyl... right back at cha! ;)

5. MarvellousMouse: Sarah is about a genuine as they come. Her posts are heartfelt and humorous and so thought-provoking. Again, thanks for the shout out, Sarah... right back at cha! ;)

Thanks for bearing with me on this long post. It had been a long, long week since I posted so I thought I'd better make it a good one. I want to leave you with a link to a new blog that just started tonight by my good friend Gyl. It is called Boutique Bloopers and the site seriously had me in stitches tonight. I sent in a couple of my own bloopers, but let me tell ya... you don't wanna miss out, so click here to check it out. (I also added a link to it there to the right under Favorite Blogs)

Good night.


  1. Anonymous3:43 AM

    OMGosh, Patty! You poor thing! I swear, if I lived closer, I would have come over and held your head for you. :)

    Thanks for the kind words and renomination. You are as sweet as they come!

    Hoping you're on the mend....

  2. Bless you heart! Glad you are feeling better. Huggin the "bowl" is never fun!

    Congrats on the Thinking Blogger Award!

  3. Thank you ladies! That is so sweet! Yes, I am feeling better, except for a scratchy throat but I'll take this any day... ;)


  4. OH Patty! so sorry hun! the think this first week back and been hard for everyone as well! Take care!

  5. Oh Patty, I'm so sorry you were SO yucky sick :( Hopefully that was the first AND last time it'll ever happen. Glad you're feeling better now.

    Congrats on that Thinking Blogger Award! Your blog is way fun and hopefully mine will be half as good as yours someday. ~gigi

  6. Awww... thanks a lot, girls! So nice to see your faces here. Miss ya! I actually had a relapse this weekend... which is making my family believe now that it wasn't food poisoning after all but just some evil virus. UGH! I was down from Sat. night to Sun night... missed almost all weekend! :( Feeling better now, but you never know...


  7. Hugs Patty! That sucks. Or should I say that blows?! :)

    And I ADORE dooce too!! LOVE HER!!


  8. Awe you're just too sweet Patty!!!


  9. Patty -- next time there's a getaway in slc, we'll have to invite dooce! she lives here!!

  10. Gyl... LOL! ;)

    Amelia... thanks, hun!

    Gigi... I know!! How cool is that?!? But somehow, I really don't think she would fit in with that crowd. LOL! I would totally love to meet her though!



  11. There is a nasty evil virus going around. Ten yes TEN people at my job all had it on one week! Luckily it skipped right over me! Ugh, they all thought they had food poisoning from the food we had catered for us. But the people who didn't eat the food even got sick! UGH!!! Well glad you are feeling a little better. Take Care.

  12. Ouch Patty!!! I'm sorry you have been so sick! You definatley deserve and award for making it through that on your own:)

    I love your Blog:)



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